The FAME Flagship closely co-operates with the Doctoral Education Pilot for Mathematics of Sensing, Imaging and Modelling (DREAM), which is part of the Finnish Government’s initiative to train 1000 new doctors. In DREAM, the total of 100 doctoral researcher positions are placed across the FAME Flagship’s seven partner universities.

DREAM is dedicated to training experts in developing methodologies essential for many industrial and societal applications. The pilot provides a systematic form for doctoral training and collaboration with industry and society, working in close collaboration with the companies and other societal actors partnering with the FAME Flagship.

The aims of the DREAM pilot are:

To attract highly competent and motivated doctoral candidates, who are supervised by distinguished scientists and industrial leaders in the fields of sensing, imaging, and modelling.

To pioneer strategies and practices to streamline doctoral education, aiming to graduate in 3-4 years while at the same time maintaining the high quality of training and doctoral theses.

To provide high-quality scientific and industry-driven training through outstanding individual doctoral candidates’ research projects complemented with several network-wide courses.

To bring novel technologies and mathematical innovations into productive industrial environments.

To maintain active connections with actors in industry and public sector throughout doctoral studies to enable smooth transition from academia to other parts of society after dissertation.

Living the DREAM

Activities within the FAME-DREAM ecosystem