
Scientific impact (I1)

Scientific Impact theme aims to ensure that the expert domain knowledge in the Flagship is made available and accessible to all partners and stakeholders. We analyze the implications and consequences of the research done in the FAME Flagship and explore how our scientific discoveries drive future advancements and impact stakeholders.

Antti Hannukainen

Industrial collaborations (I2)

Within the industrial collaboration aspect of the impact theme, we will engage with industry partners to refine methodologies for current imaging systems and to pioneer the creation of novel modalities. Our existing partnerships will be fortified while we embark on planning and executing new collaborative ventures.

Marko Vauhkonen

Medicine (I3)

The medical impact of the Flagship emerges from the development and application of advanced imaging methods. Monitoring of brain structure and function in health and disease lies in the core of FAME activities. We will bring together the complementarity of different imaging modalities, and aim to optimize their use in, e.g., treatment of refractory epilepsy and in monitoring of cerebrovascular insults. In addition, beyond-state-of-the-art methodologies for characterizing musculoskeletal tissues and human biopsy samples in cancer diagnostics will be developed and tested.

Hanna Renvall

Sustainable environment (I4)

In FAME we develop computational methods in support of environmentally sustainable development. We utilise satellite and ground based remote sensing techniques, in-situ observations and drones together with modeling, data fusion and AI-methods. Our applications include monitoring of atmospheric pollution, revealing greenhouse gas fluxes, estimating carbon storages of forests, characterising ground water resources, and developing meteorological solutions for the needs of solar and wind energy.

Johanna Tamminen

Training (I5)

The purpose of the training component of the Flagship is to give both students and industrial partners access to the courses and learning resources they need. We provide information of available courses, enable students to take courses flexibly at different universities, and coordinate the curriculum design between the various institutions in the fields related to our other activities. We also organise an annual summer school under the Jyväskylä Summer School.

Joonas Ilmavirta

Society (I6)

Mathematics in general, and inverse problems in particular, are instrumental for the modern digital world. Our society is based on data and algorithms to such a degree that anyone wishing to make a mark needs to learn about them to some extent. FAME will create a selection of easily accessible videos, programming challenges and other outreach material to invite new people to the joys of mathematics, as a service to a society longing for future engineers and scientists.

Aku Seppänen