As part of the Research Council of Finland’s Flagship Programme, the FAME Flagship is committed to provide economic progress and societal impact through high-quality research and close cooperation with industry and society. To do our part in efforts to foster wider appreciation and interest towards science, FAME is constantly searching for new avenues to communicate our work and activities to the public, stakeholders, students, future experts, and everyone who observes the natural world surrounding us with curiosity.
The FAME Flagship of Advanced Mathematics for Sensing, Imaging and Modelling welcomes everyone to join us for our new morning coffee webinar series, 15 Minutes of FAME!
Organised in Microsoft Teams on the first Thursday of every month, this open-to-all webinar series introduces snapshots into FAME researchers and partners’ scientific work and activities within the Flagship’s network.
So, grab your morning coffee and kickstart your day with us at the inaugural event of the series on Thursday, 7 November at 8:45-9:00, as Director Tanja Tarvainen (University of Eastern Finland) introduces the FAME Flagship’s purpose and work for the benefit of Finnish society and global wellness!
FAME. Shaping the future with mathematics, physics, and computing.