Mikko Nissi
University of Eastern Finland
Mikko Nissi received his doctoral degree from the University of Kuopio in 2008 on quantitative magnetic resonance imaging of articular cartilage. After graduation he worked as a Research Associate in the Center for Magnetic Resonance Research at the University of Minnesota and as an Academy Research Fellow and Associate Professor in the University of Eastern Finland. Currently he is a Professor of Medical Physics and Engineering, especially magnetic resonance imaging in the University of Eastern Finland. His research interests include MR relaxometry methods, such as various rotating and laboratory frame relaxation methods and quantitative susceptibility mapping as well as image acquisition and reconstruction strategies, targeting particularly musculoskeletal applications. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) forms a perfect application area for various advanced computational methods, which are at the core of the FAME Flagship, and he wishes to foster new collaborations within the flagship to advance the possibilities of MRI.